everyheartbreak wrote in supernatural_hs Feb 07, 2011 13:22
after school special, 10 things i hate about life, i'll take two, omfg this took forever, it's a boy!, illegal in some schools, sucks to be the student body, buckle up next time kids, oh shit, potential love making, rad bromance, fuck everything, fuck my life, let's get down to business, fun times, safety first, after school fun, love is in the air~, announcement time, idk what this is, counseling time, what a good time, omfg, crap this is crap, popcorn.gif literally, bad life decisions, romance, are you serious rn?, yay school spirit, shit got real, improving education, safety is cool, act first think later, aaaand your results are in
pause_foreffect wrote in supernatural_hs Jan 15, 2011 23:46
for over a century i've lived in secret, i'll take two, questionable content, feel your feelings, make a statement, i know the risks, pleasure zone denied, i'll make a man outta you, being pretty is hard, eyes all over, naughty hawt bitches up in hurr, let's get down to business, i smell sex and candy, virgin 101, lol wut, gwen campbell is a bamf, oh snap, watching you, safety is cool, safety first, act first think later